A manufacturer enjoys the benefits of modernisation

Paper based pre-production workflow
A manufacturer’s paper-based processes created stress and slowed down production.
Paper job tickets were manually sent from sales to the factory floor and urgent orders were rushed around the factory on foot.
Additional notes scribbled on job tickets were often misunderstood, which led to production errors. Orders were lost or late and customers complained about quality issues.
KPI metrics were entered in spreadsheets at project end and visibility on production, staff performance and training needs was low.
Propel Technologies creates real change across production, training, culture and customer experience
We digitised manual processes, streamlined workflows and connected the company’s departments. We created a custom solution to run the entire operation with one unified system.
Our solutions
- Bespoke software to integrate the manufacturer’s ERP and MYOB systems
- Digital orders and iPads on the factory floor
- Staff log details of their work throughout production (including time)
- IP cameras inside the factory monitor products on production line so damaged goods can be pulled before they’re shipped and quality issues addressed
- Automated daily and weekly updates for managers, including KPI data, to highlight any issues
- Customers plug into the manufacturer’s system via API and track their orders in realtime.
Cultural shift
Modernisation has created shorter lead times, increased order accuracy and enhanced quality control.
- Less stress, greater efficiency and better morale
- More visibility on the production line
- Panic over urgent orders on the factory floor eliminated
- Flags for potential delays
- Visibility on priority projects
- Staff performance issues easily identified and rectified through training
- Increased accountability.
Propel Technologies provides ongoing IT Support to the business and we are available to give new staff extra training on the ERP if needed.
The manufacturer is now a $400million company that continues to grow and scale and we’re proud to be part oftheir success story.
<span class="cta">Are you ready for modernisation? Start a conversation. </span>